Post show blues? Yes / No?

Lynn Cordall
June 20, 2024
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Hello All. So I haven't quite made every month since my bold ambition in June, but it is 6 weeks. I'm happy with that -  with a side helping of must try harder.

A fellow Garden Designer, as we broke down our gardens, talked to me about post show blues. Its true a show garden and the on site process  is a spectacularly fabulous bubble of hard work, long hours, little sleep and well, total joy (and the occasional moments of bleak despair) .  A lot of us work on our own for the majority of the time, so the camaraderie, and having a singular focus for nearly a month is a heady mix  that's hard to say goodbye too.

Start to finish L to R

From a blank canvas to an empty hole nearly ready to reseed for the deer. 22 days and 55,000 visitors later.

Yes, I've had a post show bug. Yes, I have slept. A lot. And some more. Yes, my left shoulder feels pretty much finished, but the blues? A little. But as a self employed person, I'm sure many of you reading this will know, there isn't really time to stop. Clients, Landscapers and dare I say bills await. (Although I have booked holiday in Jerez for end Sept to really stop and rest. Wasn't sure I would need one...who was I kidding...… 56 and a formally pampered Fashion Buyer, of course I need a holiday).

So why only a little? I have been reflecting on it. Here's why.

  1. Its made me realise even more that I have made some amazing life long friends in my new career. The generosity of help and time in this business is staggering. Respect to Alan, Sonja, Jane, Jo and Mel. Big Love
  2. I have learned loads. Again. I have realised I like this. I believe for a women my age its considered a good thing. Try new things people, its great.
  3. Working with Macmillan was amazing. I only built a garden (with masses of help). But sitting in that garden talking to people with terminal cancer, who had requested to talk to me privately, was both the greatest and, at times, the hardest part of the experience. I was and am humbled.
  4. I met some amazing prospective clients. Diverse and interesting projects. Perhaps we can have another holiday next year...
  5. Obviously, no matter what I may have said, obviously in haste...…..I will do it again. Hopefully many times over and bigger and better. Sorry Senior Asst Gardener / Landscaper. Just look at it as another chance for promotion...