Come and say hello

I have been pretty rubbish and writing blogs this year. I could come up with many excuses - too busy, rushed off my feet etc... but really I have just been slack and left the blogs at the bottom of my to do list. (Which to be fair are always quite long....see, making up excuses again...) So I'm committing to a new half year resolution - one a month or else. Those of you who do know me, know I'm usually have quite a lot to say or most things, so should be easy? Lets see if I can fix my blog procrastination habit.
To get me back on the blog horse so to speak, I going to pick up where I left off - Show Gardens. And brief (ish).
Garden show - Ever been to one? visited? bought plants? Been inspired? Drank warm (and very expensive) Pimms? Bought one of those wheelie shopping trolley things? Fallen in love with a garden? So far this year I have visited RHS Chelsea, and am visiting Gardeners World Live later this week. 2 very different shows, which I may write about one day. Both have pros and cons, and people will have differing opinions about what they are in the world for. (Again, one day I may be brave enough to tackle that topic). What they both have in common is amazing gardens, plants and people.
To take what most people think Garden Shows are about, i.e. a damn fine day out with excellent and inspiring gardens, new ideas from planting combinations and the associated shopping opportunities , then look no further that RHS Flower show Tatton Park. Yes, this blog really is just a shameless plug.
This year I am very lucky to be working with the amazing Macmillan Cancer support. They are wholly funded by donations and legacies. In fact 33% of their income comes from wills in legacies. Who knew? The garden is an excellent way to engage, and indeed thank new and existing donors, who help Macmillan carry on with their vital work and care.
The Macmillan legacy garden, Growing the future together.

The garden is a whopping 53m2 triangle, and is full of symbolism to help tell the Macmillan story. Truthfully though, I would rather show you the space, walk you through it and let you sit and contemplate in the calmed and cocooned central space, under the gift wrapping ribbon that is the pergola, soothed by the gentle noise of water falling from the stunning David Harber water feature.
July 19-3. Knutsford Cheshire. Come and say hello.